Girls in High Vis Trip 2022

Katrina Kerr-Bell —

Last week, I accompanied 15 of our Year 10 students on the Girls in High Vis trip.

This was organised by Meridian Energy and Connexis. It was held at the Makara Wind farm. The idea behind the day was to introduce the girls to jobs they could get in infrastructure and the pathways to these jobs. I thought it was a highly successful day and I really enjoyed myself.

The morning involved a lot of activities, such as climbing the ladder in a full safety harness, and making electric circuits to create a sound. The best activity was the competition to use a power drill to screw in a number of bolts. Congratulations to Helena Basile who was by far the fastest and managed to screw in the nine bolts in less than 28 seconds.

In the afternoon they took us on a tour of the wind farm and gave us a demonstration of climbing on high ropes.

There were many women there in the industry to talk to the girls and to explain their pathways into their jobs. Many of the girls were interested in these, so it was great to see the students interested in non-traditional roles for women.

We all had a great day. Thanks to Mrs Miller for organising it and thanks to Meridian Energy and Connexis.