Hero photograph
SCC Window
Photo by Katrina Kerr-Bell

Tēnā koutou katoa e te whānau

Katrina Kerr-Bell —

It's wonderful to see some of students in during the holidays utilizing tutorials preparing for their exams this week.  

 Although there have been a few students disappointed with their lack of exam preparation and left exams early, it's important to remember that exams can be challenging, and setbacks are a part of the learning process. Don't be disheartened by those experiences; instead, use them as motivation to keep pushing forward and striving for success.  There will be tutorials running up until the external examinations, and I encourage students to make good use of this resource.

As we move through the term, I encourage you to check the calendar for upcoming events. We have some exciting activities and gatherings planned. 

We are mindful as a community that a number of our families are facing significant challenges with members of their whānau sick and we keep them in our prayers.  We ask you to pray for healing especially for the Hickey, Lopez, Patel and Dela Cruz families.

The PTA  in the last few months has generously supported the following 

$6000 to replace Chromebooks

$1000 for 

$5000 for new furniture in the Sacred Space

And a subsidy towards the Leavers Dinner on the 30th of November

The father/daughter breakfast

There is an AGM is coming up on the 15th of November - it would be great to have more families join this group.