Web Portal - Change Password

Mandy Page —

Change Password

The "Change Password" screen on the Web Portal is where students and caregivers can reset their passwords. The "Change Password" screen will always be available for students and caregivers.

We've updated the password complexity rules for student and caregiver passwords:

  • Passwords must be at least eight characters long.
  • They cannot contain personal details (eg, first or last name, date of birth, etc).
  • Caregiver passwords that are less than 16 characters must meet three of these four requirements:
    • Must contain a number.
    • Must contain an upper-case letter.
    • Must contain a lower-case letter.
    • Must contain a symbol.

Force Password Change

Caregiver Passwords
This update will force caregivers to update their passwords.  On first logon, they will be taken to the "Change Password" screen and be forced to change the password to one of their own choosing (in accordance with the new password complexity rules).