by Katrina Kerr-Bell

Last Day Seniors

Friday is the last day for Seniors, until prizegiving on Monday 13th of December.

On Friday we have our last day for Seniors.  We celebrated Mass together on Thursday and it was wonderful to be able to gather together for the last time and share bread, share the Eucharist together.  The 2021 Year 13's have gone out of their way to welcome me into St Catherine's, they have cared for their younger sisters.  As they leave to go onto study leave to prepare for their exams it is with mixed emotions, pride in the young women they have become, sadness in our preparing to say farewell and joy that they are fulfilling Catherine McAuley's mission leaving St Catherine's as educated women of faith - prepared to challenge and influence to the world for good.

I would like to thank Paige for her leadership.  She has been a strong advocate and voice for our students.  She has provided strong support for me as a new Principal. Isabella and Brereton you have been wonderful deputies, always there when needed.  Year 13 you have made me feel welcome, you have been good role models to your sisters.  We are proud to be able to say you were the year group with a 100% pass rate at level 2 in a year challenged like no other.  We look forward to prizegiving and having you return again and again to tell us what you are up to.  

Angelica Silva 

The staff received a cake from Angelica Silva and enjoyed sharing this on Thursday.  On Tuesday we farewelled Teresa Rayner, our Tuakana Catholic Youth Minister.  Teresa has worked with us for the last two years, it is with sadness we say farewell.  She has had an impact on all of the students and staff at SCC.  Teresa plans to purchase a campervan and travel NZ spending time with all of the female religious orders and writing a blog.  She informed us that there are over 35 religious communities for women in NZ.  We ask God to bless her in her discernment.

Jeremy Spruyt

Jeremy has been working alongside Kathy Rayn as part of his Masters in Teaching.  We have all enjoyed Jeremy's contribution to the College.  He has secured a job for 2022 at Tamaki College.  We wish him well as he begins his career.