Nga Iwi o Aotearoa | Te Wai Pounamu
St Clair School - June 25, 2023
We have a beautiful map in Te Manawanui, that celebrates our whānau Māori. We welcome all families to create a disc to put on our map, so we can connect with each other, and know more about where our whānau Māori come from.
If you have not put a disc on there yet, please have a look, and send one in to Jen or your child's teacher. Details on your disc are entirely up to you. Some families have taken a photo of their whānau at their marae, some have written up their pepeha, others have included photos of their maunga | mauka, their awa, their marae and their hapu.
Come and have a look through the conferences this week, and let's build this map together.