Hero photograph
Photo by Jo Earl

Road Safety

Jo Earl —

It's Road Safety Awareness week next week. How timely for us! Innes Rd at the moment is a mess.

We know that it's hard to find a park to drop your children off - and we don't think there will be a solution for this any time soon.

Please be patient, leave early and park further away and walk in if you can or use the Kensington Avenue or Norah St entrances.

We have phoned the council today to try to tidy up the mismatch of speed signs along Innes Rd at the moment however a reminder to all is 30km past road works, 40km past schools in the morning and afternoon pick up times.

Celebrate Our Heroes

Our Road Safety heroes are our Road Patrollers - they do a fabulous job - don't forget to tell them they are doing an amazing job when you use the crossing.