Jo Earl — Jul 8, 2021

Have you booked your time with your child's Kaiako Manaaki?

Parent Teacher Interviews are being held in Week 1 of Term 3 on the Monday and Wednesday. 

On both of these days school will finish at 2pm so that we are able to provide enough time to meet with everyone. It would be a great support to us if you can arrange to pick your child/children up at 2pm on these two days. 

Click on this link - Parent Teacher Interviews Term 3 or go to and use the code g7ved to book your time slot.

Reporting to Parents

In order to prepare for these meetings please take some time to view the latest updates on your child's Hero profile.

At St Francis we report to you using real time reporting via the Hero app. This means that your child's progress and achievement information is available at all times. As soon as your child masters a progression it is checked off on Hero and you are able to see this progression at any time you choose.

As your child masters the progressions, the circles that represent the level of the curriculum that your child is working on, slowly fill in. You are able to see how far through the curriculum your child is and how far they have to go. Each level of the curriculum spans across approximately two years.

Remember that you can see all the progressions that your child is working on by clicking on the Level label under the circles. If they are coloured green they have been mastered and coloured buff means that they are currently working on them.

Clicking on 'About this page' from within the app or on this link will give you access to information to help you understand the data that is being shared with you. Make note of any questions you have and we can answer them when you come into meet with us.

Image by: Jo Earl