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by Rebecca Methven

Social Justice Week

Rebecca Methven - September 3, 2020

Social Justice Week 2020 runs from September 6-12 and focuses on Catholic social teaching principles.

Catholic Social Teaching  - Ngā Akoranga Papori Katorika 

In the beginning when the world was created, we were made in the image of God - giving each of us human dignity. Christ’s command for us to love God and love our neighbour is exemplified through Catholic social teaching (CST). In 1891, at the height of the industrial revolution in Europe, there was a great and growing gap between rich and poor. 

At this time, Pope Leo XIII wrote a letter Rerum Novarum that focused on the condition of workers and just wages. He emphasized the importance of working for the common good and the role of the state to ensure the wellbeing of all, especially the poorest. Since that time, Church leaders including Popes and Bishops have written encyclicals (letters) and messages to the Church and wider community. These contain fundamental principles, which the Church believes should underpin a healthy society, politics and economy. They have addressed social challenges that face our communities including: 

• Human life, rights and responsibilities • Poverty • Refugees, asylum seekers and migrants • Environmental justice • Indigenous peoples       • International development and peace

This formal body of writing forms the basis of CST. It draws on the Scriptural traditions of the prophets who spoke out against injustice, the teachings and example of Christ, and the tradition of the early Church leaders and saints. It provides us with key ethical principles and a lens through which we can interpret social issues around us and take action to seek justice. Following these CST principles are the key to unlocking the full potential of the Church.