Bev Sutherland — Oct 21, 2020

The SDMS enrolments are now open for 2021. To enrol, go into the website: http:// Students are able to learn: Brass Instruments: Cornet, Trombone & TrumpetPercussion Instruments: Drum Kit, (students will also have the opportunity to learn tuned percussion such as Marimba), Keyboard, PianoString Instruments: `Cello, Viola & Violin, GuitarWoodwind Instruments: Clarinet, Flute, Recorder & SaxophoneLessons may be given during the school day at each school if there are enough enrolments to warrant the tutor travelling to the school, otherwise lessons will be at Shirley Intermediate after school.Students can hire all instruments from SDMS except for, keyboard, piano, drum kit, recorder & guitar.For more information please contact the SDMS Music Director, Janet Simon: