Hero photograph
Photo by Jo Earl

Bake Sale and Sausage Sizzle

Jump Jam Team —

Over the next two weeks we will be running two small fundraisers to tautoko (support) our Jump Jam students.

Next Thursday there will be a Bake Sale for Paiaka and Kākano Hubs at Morning tea time. Children can bring 50 cents or more to purchase a cookie or. cake for morning tea.

On the following Thursday we will be holding a Bake Sale for Tumu and Kaupeka.

Next Friday (and the Friday after) we will be holding a sausage sizzle for the whole school and proceeds will go towards supporting the Jump Jam team. Sausages can be ordered before school.  $2 for a sausage in bread. Orders will need to be made by the Thursday of each week.

Ngā mihi ki a koutou 

Jump Jam Team