Helpful Reminders
Below are some of the regular events that happen each week in the Kākano hub and helpful links for your reference.
Library Day is on a Monday. We encourage the children to take out two books which they can take home to read with or by you.
Bike Track - Scooters can be used every morning tea time. Our lunch time bike track days are Monday and Friday. Children can ride their own bikes or make use of the school bikes on these days.
PE - Children wear their PE gear to school every Monday.
Sunhats are compulsory in Terms 1 and 4 otherwise students must remain in the shaded area. We ask you to please check that your child has a named sunhat with them each day.
Communication - Any Hub updates/notices will always be shared through HERO. Please get in touch if you have issues accessing these notifications. HERO is also the place for you to see your child’s progress and updates of their work.
Learning -All of our learning is visible on our Kākano Site, this can be accessed here.
School Calendar -school events and important dates can be found here.