Jo Earl — May 19, 2022

What a fabulous splash of colour today - thanks for supporting Pink Shirt Day and the stamping out of bullying in our kura.

Thank you

Great use of the "Kiss 'n' drop" zone today - just one reminder that the main driveway is the exit - also please do not turn right when leaving as this causes a major holdup on Innes Rd.

Bullying Free Week

There have been many discussions around the Hubs about Bullying this week. We have been working hard to give the students opportunities to talk about what bullying is and what it isn't and what to do when they encounter Bullying and/or conflict at our school.

We are encouraging our students to be upstanders - not bystanders. We are encouraging them to talk about bullying and to find an adult who will listen when they see something happening that just doesn't feel right.

We want to make our school a bullying free zone - and to do this we need everyone to get on board. Talking about this with your children will ensure that they know what to do should they come across instances of bullying in our school - and encouraging them to talk to us will ensure that we know about it and are then able to deal with it. We can't deal with things if we don't know about them.

Bullying is a really sensitive issue and needs to be dealt with care and compassion - it is much better to make us aware of it and then let us deal with it rather than approaching other parents yourself - we are more likely to have the whole picture and can then deal with things more appropriately. 

We want to assure you that if you make us aware - we will act!

Teacher Only Day Friday 3 June  

As part of employment agreement negotiations in 2019 additional  teacher-only days were provided for principals and teachers who are covered under the Primary Teachers’ Collective Agreement, and the Primary Principals’ Collective Agreement.

These days are focused to provide teachers and principals time to:

As already advertised (March 25 Pānui #7) we will be using one of these days on Friday 3 June. Our staff will be attending professional development on the delivery of the Maths Curriculum. 

Friday Assemblies

It has been great to reinstate our assemblies and gather together to celebrate learning.

Our Events Leadership team are planning and running the assemblies and doing a fabulous job. We have split into junior and senior assemblies to make the numbers smaller so you are very welcome to join us for these. The dates for these assemblies this term have been added to the school calendar for you.

Hope the weather improves for the weekend.
