Rebecca Methven — Jul 22, 2020

Over the last few weeks we have now heard Matthew Chapter 13 almost in its entirety. We heard first the parable of the sower then last week three short parables about weeds amongst the wheat, the mustard seed growing into a great tree and leaven in the flour. In this Sunday's Gospel reading, Jesus continues to teach about the Kingdom of God.

 The Reign (power and control) of God is also known as the Kingdom of Heaven. It takes place on earth and reaches its fullness in heaven.

Often in school, business, politics and social settings people try to assert their own power and take control of things. Where have you seen this happen?

When people surrender their life to God’s power, life is different. Then people don’t try to control things or one another; they try to work together so that God’s way rules. This rarely occurs on earth, but it happens once in a while. There is peace, understanding and cooperation, and no fear, competition or dishonesty.

Have you ever seen this happen? If so, where? What was the situation?

Do you think you can do anything to help bring forth the Reign of God – at home, at school, at your job, with your friends? Why or why not? What would have to happen to create a little heaven on earth?