Hero photograph
Photo by Jo Earl

Return to Alert Level 2

Jo Earl —

As you will all be aware we are being asked to move back into Level 2 at lunchtime today until at least Friday lunchtime. This is not a massive change for us but we have attached the information for Alert Level 2 for you to read.

Kia ora koutou e te whānau

Please note - this is the latest advice from the Ministry of Education.

"All children and young people can continue to attend their early learning and school site for on learning at Alert Level 2.Public health advice is that schools, early learning services and tertiary institutions are safe to open onsite at Alert Level 2 to all learners. 

People do not need to return to bubbles at Alert Level 2 and can meet with friends and family. But people need to play it safe and continue to take sensible health and safety precautions.

At Level 2, almost all children and young people can continue to attend early learning services, schools and kura onsite. The only exceptions are children or young people who are sick and have any COVID-19 symptoms, are in isolation, or are awaiting the result of a test. with learning support needs where they are required to remain at home.

Playground, sports equipment use and sports, including contact sports, remain available at Alert Level 2. School transport services remain at normal schedules".

What this looks like at St Francis:

Please note:- Alert Level 2 means that we will again encourage you to leave your children at the gate and we will begin delivering to the gate again today at 3pm.

- If you need to come onsite we are asking you to use the contact tracing app again and remain outside the Hubs. No parents will be allowed in the Hubs until further notice.

- The Assumption Mass and the Welcome to new families event are now on hold until further notice.

- Primary Sport Canterbury Cross Country that was to be held today has been cancelled.

- Sport on Thursday - we will let you know as soon as we know.

Alert Level 2 

  • Students and Staff should not attend if they are unwell. Students and Staff who become unwell during the school day will be sent home and be encouraged to be tested for Covid-19 before they return to school (this is in line with National Guidelines).

We will be placing all updates on the website and emailing them to you as well.
