Important Dates Term 1 2020
Please note these dates on your calendar - particularly Tuesday 10 March which is a Teacher Only Day.
Friday 21 February - SFOA Duathlon (Year 5-8 students)
Week 4 and 5 - Swimming Lessons (whole school)
Sunday 8 March - School Fair
Tuesday 10 March - Teacher Only Day
Thursday 12 March - North Zone Swimming Competition
Friday 13 March - PTA Fish n Chip Evening
Check the calendar at the top of the newsletter for more dates.
Teacher Only Day
One of the strategic priorities for the school this year is to improve our culturally responsive practice. To this end we have organised a Teacher Only Day at Tuahiwi Marae.
Some of the topics covered are:
Ngāi Tahu migration — who are Ngāi Tahu and Ngāi Tūāhuriri
Tikanga and kawa
Pōwhiri process
You will need to make other arrangements for your children on this day (Tuesday 10 March) as there will be no staff on site - all teachers and support staff are attending the day long workshop.