Hero photograph
Photo by Jo Earl

From the Principal -

Jo Earl —

It has been a hive of activity here over the last couple of weeks and we have really been enjoying ourselves.

It was great to see Maire Bowler back here for a few days. We have missed her. She is not back fulltime yet though so if you have any questions you would normally direct at her please email Rebecca Methven or myself.

Upcoming Events

Check out the other articles in this newsletter to see what some of our students and teachers have been up to.

These dates have all been placed on the School Events Calendar. You all have access to the calendar on the link a the top of every newsletter and also on our website.

Image by: Jo Earl

More information (eg. timeframes and requirements)will be sent home about each of these events as we get closer to the time however if you are wondering about something, please feel free to email your child's homebase teacher.