Hero photograph
Photo by Rebecca Methven

Social Justice Week 2022

Rebecca Methven —

Racism is the topic for Social Justice Week in 2022. This issue is both challenging and vitally important for all of us. All hubs will be looking at this topic through our RE programme.

 As we journey through this Social Justice Week, the key question for us to reflect on us is how are we becoming one in Christ? 

It is important to note that there has been a deliberate choice to focus on human dignity and solidarity. Of course, the negative impacts of racial discrimination are explored through the various elements, but the most important step for all of us, is to respond with love and acceptance, following Catholic social teaching (CST) principles, as Jesus modelled.

The poster for Social Justice Week conveys a strong message using thousands of faces to remind us that we are all part of one human family. We may be different in so many ways, but we can come together and work for justice, peace and love. The mosaic that is formed in the poster is the kowhaiwhai pattern that symbolises movement and change. Found also in the Caritas Aotearoa New Zealand logo, it continually points us in new directions as we face the challenges of our complex, globalised world, grappling with issues such as racism.