Jo Earl — May 21, 2020

It has been fantastic to reconnect with our student face to face this week and see the amazing learning that has been shared in more detail.

We want to reconnect with whānau as well - we know that you will all have learned some different things about your child's learning while we have been delivering distance learning and we would love to hear about it. 

We also think it would be a great time to reset - check out the goals that your child has in Reading, Writing and Maths and answer any questions you may have, rather than wait until the traditional time of Mid Year Reporting. 

We have set up some meeting times for you in weeks 8, 9 and 10. Please note we are only offering one appointment per child. The meeting is with your child's home base teacher.

You can book a time on this link.

If these times don't suit you, we are also offering the opportunity to meet on a video call with your child's teacher. If you think this would suit you better please complete this form.

Please note:

Kath Roach and Angela Bailey are both away on leave. If your child is in their home base you will be offered a time to meet them early Term 3. However if you have any concerns about this or about your child's learning and you want to meet before this please email the Team Leader (Rebecca - Kākano; Maire -Paiaka) and they will organise a time for you.

Thank you.