Jo Earl — May 28, 2021

Our tamariki have been so busy working on PBL over the last term and and half. Their projects are really shaping up and we can't wait to share our learning with you all at the end of the term.

Shark Tank

All tamariki in Kaupeka and Tumu had the opportunity to pitch their ideas for their projects in a Shark Tank approach. We were lucky to have Dianne Robinson from Matauraka Mahaanui with us today to give the tamariki some feedback on their ideas. Tamariki are learning how to receive feedback and use it to improve their projects.

The ideas that were shared were nothing short of amazing - we could tell just how much thinking and learning that has been going on. Dianne was able to give such specific feedback to each group. What a fantastic experience for us all.

Now the students have some time to tweak their ideas and get ready for the Learning Showcase at the end of the term where they will share these ideas with you all. Save the date: Thursday 8 July. Don't Miss it - you will want to be here for this amazing sharing of learning.

Dianne was impressed with the confidence of our students to present their designs and with the learning they have done to this point.