Hero photograph
Photo by Jo Earl

From the Principal

Jo Earl —

What's coming up?

Parent Teacher Interviews

In week one of next term you will be given the opportunity to meet with your child's Kaiako Manaaki to talk about your child's progress this year and set goals for the last two terms of 2021. A link will be sent out next week so that you can book your time in.

Showcase Date - Save the Date

On Thursday 8 July we will be showcasing our learning and we want to have as many of you there as possible. Please book the date in - more information about timings for the day will be shared next week.

Whānau Assisi Meeting 

The next meeting is to be held on Monday 14 June at 7pm in the staffroom. Come along and join in. The meeting is informal. We get together to plan events that connect, serve and fund our school whānau. We would love to have you join us.