Jo Earl — May 11, 2020

Great news from the Government yesterday about reopening our school.

We are excited to have all out students back onsite. I am sure that you will all be wondering what school will look like at Alert Level 2. under Alert Level 2 we will continue to follow the guidelines from the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Education. We have chosen to control the controllable rather than return all aspects of school back to normal.

We have attached a plan of action for Alert Level 2 - Play it Safe! please make sure you read it as it outlines clearly what life will be like at school.

Image by: Jo Earl

This document is attached below.

Here are a few more things in more detail.

Contact Tracing

We are required to keep a register of all adults that come on site, their arrival and departure times and reason for visit. This is quite a huge task for a school that has five entrances. For this reason we are encouraging you to only come onsite if absolutely necessary. We are hoping that all students from Paiaka, Tumu and Kaupeka can come through the gates independently.

A lot of Kākano students will be able to manage this as well. We understand that some children may be anxious and need a parent to come through with them - these parents will need to sign in and sign out each time they come in. We are currently working on an electronic system for this and will let you know how it works later in the week.

If you need to come onsite at another time of day we ask that you email Bev,, and register at the office.

No parents will be allowed in the Hubs. This will be reviewed after the first two weeks of Level 2. Thanks for your understanding.


Children are welcome to wear Summer or Winter uniform through to the end of Term 2 as we understand that some people will not have been able to be prepared for the change. We will be in Winter Uniform from Term 3.

Student Learning

Please don't be worried about your child's learning - we know we have had a disruption and all teachers will be sympathetic to this and ensure that students are being taught at the level needed.

Reporting to Parents

Over the last two weeks we have migrated to Hero from Linc-Ed - it is essentially the same product however with many improvements. As always with migrations like this there have been a few glitches but we are working hard to ensure that these are an accurate record of your child's learning. You will be given the opportunity to meet with your child's teacher in the next few weeks to talk through where they are at and set goals for the rest of the year. This may be face to face or could be via a Google Meet.

We will also be running some virtual sessions on using Hero and understanding the data that is being presented to you as well over the next few weeks.

Cleaning and Hygiene protocols are outlined in the attached document.

Will your child be returning?

Please let me know if you have any concerns about your child/children returning, and / or if you are considering not letting your child/children return for any reason next week.

Ngā mihi nui
