Glen Cranshaw — Apr 2, 2019

In SFOA Catholic School Code Club has started up again!

In Week 4 Term 1 SFOA has started up Code Club for most of the school. There are around 60 people all over the school in SFOA Code Club right now. The members code on sites like Scratch and Trinket. Code Club teaches coding skills to all of the members, and the year 1 and 2's code on an ipad. When they first start off  (try this on scratch) the activity is called rock band where you code the sprites, (characters/objects), to make noise when you click on them. Things like drum noises or a person singing and when you're finished all of the projects on scratch they go to HTML coding. The members in SFOA Code Club really enjoy doing coding with their friends. Some of the older students have finished most of the projects and  are now helping other members to get up to where they are at.

Here is my recreation of Scratch Module 1 Project 2


Can you be as good as them and challenge yourself to the Scratch projects!