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by Jo Earl

Fair News

Jo Earl - February 28, 2020

Have you signed up to help at the Fair?

A fabulous day is planned for the 8th March. What we need now is for every family to jump on board and to put their name down to help set up, help on a stall on the day, or pack up. Sign up sheets are in all the hubs. Please pop in and put your name down. Many hands make light work. If you are not going to be there on the day please offer to help with the set up the day before. Contact Clare or Heidi.Raffle tickets are due back Monday. If we sell all the tickets we will make a grand total of $25,000. If you have sold your first book please pop into the office and grab another book. Return all books by Friday or Monday if you grab an extra one to sell over the weekend.Kids Zone tickets. Children 5 and over are able to purchase a Kids Zone ticket prior to the fair. This will allow them to take part in 10 out of the 24 activities in the Kids Zone plus a Bouncy Castle or Maze. We recommend school families buy theirs prior to fair to save long queues on the day. We will also have an Under 5 zone where children under 5 can play, have their face painted and enjoy a bouncy castle for $5.Cake boxes go out on Monday or Tuesday for baking or sweets. If you are not a baker please bring some ingredients for those who like baking. This will ensure you do not get a cake box. If you have offered to do extra baking ingredients will be available from the office next week. Looking for a couple of people to make scones for the devonshire tea stall message
Check out these Facebook pages for more information.St Francis of Assisi Fair St Francis of Assisi Fair eventPTA page