Rebecca Methven — Mar 21, 2019

We invite you to pop into the church for a few moments or for an hour.

When crisis hits we often look for a way to respond. Bishop Paul has invited us to pray the prayer of St Francis of Assisi. This prayer helps to change our hearts while also praying for peace in our city and the whole world.

But how do we heal our hearts and minds? How do we find peace again?

Our world is so busy and noisy. God works in the silence.

We invite you to pop into the church for a few moments or for an hour. The action of being still in a Holy place can bring peace. You don’t need to do anything but come and be still. There will be blue coloured prayer cards in the foyer if you would like have some thing to focus on.

Children are also welcome to come and make a visit to the church. Please do not keep them away. Fr Tien as he visits the classroom is encouraging them to pop in to say hi to Jesus.

You are all welcome just come as you are.

Lord make me an instrument of your peace
Where there is hatred let me sow love
Where there is injury, pardon
Where there is doubt, faith
Where there is despair, hope
Where there is darkness, light
And where there is sadness, joyO divine master grant that I may
not so much seek to be consoled as to console
to be understood as to understand
To be loved as to love
For it is in giving that we receive
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned
And it's in dying that we are born to eternal life