Jo Earl — May 19, 2022

A temporary "Kiss 'n' Drop" is now in place. No more dropping off in P3 until further notice.

I am sure that those of you who tried to drop your children off on Innes Rd this morning will agree - the roadworks are making things very difficult at the moment.

I have spoken to the STMS (traffic management people) and we have a solution planned to start tomorrow. We need your help to ensure that this works and that it  is a safe solution.

As of tomorrow morning you will not be able to use the P3 area in front of the school. We have created a "kiss 'n' drop" zone that you will be able to use for the next few weeks until the roadworks are complete.

You will need to be very careful using the "Kiss 'n' drop" zone as there will be pedestrians  (mainly children) will be using the area that has been coned off.

We will ensure that there are two staff members out there to help you everyday - please be patient and polite - we are doing our best to make this workable and safe for us all. Make sure you go as far forward as you can so that others can follow you and get off the road.

You will need to be aware of the driveway when you are exiting, as there could be cars coming and going from the back carpark as well.

Please drive very slowly through the "Kiss 'n' drop" zone.

Afternoon Pickup

You will be able to use the same zone for pickup in the afternoon as well. You need to tell your children to gather on the grass area and we will direct them to you. If your child is not there you will have to go around the block as you will not be able to wait in the zone. We would appreciate it if you would pass this on to other people who collect your children eg. grandparents.

Please note: 

- The yellow lines marked on the school side of the road before the crossing denote a temporary bus stop - you cannot wait in this area and you will be moved on by us. 

- Please do not come up the driveway unless you have a mobility access card.

- Please use Kensington Ave and Norah St entrances when you can to lessen the congestion on Innes Rd. 

- When you use the Norah St entrance you need to park on Nancy Ave, or Francis Ave and walk in. No cars in Norah St please.