Jo Earl — Oct 27, 2021

Great to hear that Christchurch will stay in Alert Level 2 for now.

We all know that this can change from day to day in New Zealand and we want you to know we are well prepared should we need to go back into Level 3 at any point.

Term 4 Events

We have been thinking about the events that usually fill the Term 4 calendar and how some of these will need to change this year.

We have decided to make the decision about some changes as early as we can, so that you are not left wondering whether some events will go ahead or not.

Prizegivings / End of Year Assemblies

These events will not be live this year. We are unable to run any events that cause a large number of people to be together unless we can guarantee social distancing. Our numbers of students and whānau would not allow us to run these events safely.

We are working on how we will run these events and record them for you to watch at your leisure. More information will be sent home about this at a later date.

End of Year Mass

We will still have an end of year Mass. We are aiming to have this outside. We will still not be able to invite parents however we are working on being able to invite the parents of the Year 8 Leavers to this. More information at a later date.

Cultural Showcases

So many events have been cancelled this year - there have been many disappointments! 

Our groups are still meeting each week and we are very proud of the learning they are doing. We are working on a lunch time concert before the end of the year for the students which we will record for you.