by Te Maire St Francis of Assisi Catholic School
Staff — May 25, 2023
Head lice like healthy hair. This school is no different from any other in that head lice can occasionally be a problem. The spread of head lice in a classroom can be controlled and prevented by checking your child’s hair weekly (eggs take about nine days to hatch).
If lice or eggs are found consult your chemist and notify your child’s teacher that the student has been treated before coming back to school. All parents of the class concerned will be asked to check their child’s hair.
Head Lice Information Sheet is attached below.
Children have their hearing and vision tested at 4yrs as part of the B4 School check. If your child has not previously had a hearing or vision screening check, they will be tested during their first year at school.
If there are any further concerns about your child’s eyesight, please arrange an appointment with an optometrist / eye specialist.
The school day is only one part of your child’s education. There are many ways you can help at home:
Most importantly, please keep in touch with your child’s teacher – communication between home and school is most important.
Some rights reserved Te Maire St Francis of Assisi Catholic School , 2024