by Te Maire St Francis of Assisi Catholic School
Staff — May 25, 2023
Our dedicated students meet at 8.15am on Monday mornings to learn and practise new waiata and waiata a ringa. They perform to a very high standard and we are very proud of what they achieve.
The school library has a large collection of books – fiction (including picture books), non-fiction and reference books. All classes regularly use the library and it is also open at lunchtimes Monday to Thursday.
Once a pre-schooler has turned four they will be issued with a library card.
Lost property is an on going problem.
Please name all articles of clothing, footwear and swimwear. Unnamed lost property is collected and kept in a container in each hub. At the end of each term lost property is displayed outside the library.
Any uncollected uniform items are washed and put into the second hand uniform sale.
Children may buy their lunch on a Friday. Lunches are provided by Pita Pit and Subway and can be ordered online. You will need to create an account using this link.
We encourage all children to take their lunch rubbish home with them. This keeps litter on the school grounds to a minimum and also helps parents monitor their child(ren)’s eating habits.
Some rights reserved Te Maire St Francis of Assisi Catholic School , 2024