by Jo Earl

Carb Snacks

Jo EarlFebruary 1, 2019

Research shows that children should in fact eat every 90 minutes. Some of you will be aware that we introduced a complex carbohydrate break between 9 and 9.30am each morning in 2017.

We have found that it is beneficial for the students and that they love it! We have also had positive feedback from parents and teachers that the carb snack is a great "pick-me-up" for children at this point in the day.

We would like to remind you that the carb snack should be a sandwich of some type - we have noticed lately that students that other items are creeping into this snack time.

If your child wishes to have a snack at this time can you provide an extra sandwich for them? This is totally optional.

Complex Carbohydrates - Slow Burn Carbs

Complex carbohydrates are often referred to as ‘slow burn’ carbs. This is because, unlike simple carbs that immediately convert into glucose, complex carbohydrates break down much slower and as a result, release energy to the body in a steady flow. Simple carbohydrates convert instantly to glucose so you get spikes in the bloodstream. However, those sugar levels also fall just as rapidly as they rise which leads to crash and burn.

Complex carbs benefit your health on several levels among which are sustainable levels of energy, increased digestion and immunity, heart health and can help you maintain a healthy weight.

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