St James School Term 1 Week 5
The beginning of the season of Lent was yesterday.
Kia ora koutou,
We can certainly feel the change in seasons as autumn approaches and the cooler mornings begins. Yesterday was also the beginning of Lent - the penitential season when we prepare for Christ's resurrection from the dead.
Archbishop Paul instructed there would be no distribution of Ashes in schools so instead we gathered for liturgies in our classrooms together.
We prepare during these 40 days through prayer, fasting and almsgiving and in this time we may renew our effort to respond to the call to be peacemakers.
Rapid Relief Team
Campbell and Elsbeth from the Rapid Relief Team have delivered 60 Fresh Start Care Kits. In these packs are shampoo, soap, a facecloth, toothbrush amongst other items. We know our older students will love have their own packs for home and we thanks the hundreds of volunteers who support his organisation.
Teacher Only Day
Next Friday March 11th is a Teacher Only Day. Only teachers will be at school on this day so please enjoy the day with your children at home.
We have been kindly gifted a beautiful little playhouse for our playground. A huge thanks to ACTIS for thinking of St James School and also Sport Canterbury who organised this.
We are just organising the surroundings before we open it for playtimes and lunchtimes. It will encourage lots of imaginative and fun play especially for our younger students.
Welcome to our new families....
We are delighted to welcome a new student to join our St James family ....
- Mata'iva (Room 3)
We know you have a happy, joyful time at St James!