Aaron Richards — Apr 26, 2023

Roadworks and building works have escalated the hazards outside the school gate. However, the behaviour of drivers outside the school is becoming a major concern and could be catastrophic if a child is hurt.

It is important that we all work together to keep our children safe outside school. This means putting the safety of children ahead of personal connivance. Over the last three days, there have been a number of near misses caused by drivers not prioritising the safety of children. 

We encourage all drivers to plan their journey to pick up and drop off children so that they are not U-turning outside the school. This confuses other road users and the road patrol. It has caused a number of minor collisions that upset the children. Driving around the block after dropping off the children may take 1 or 2 more minutes but it will decrease confusion outside the school. 

Please do not double park along Vagues Road. The Road Patrol struggles to see around cars that are double parked and it means that other drivers have to swerve out into the middle of the road to get around you. 

The yellow line leading up to the school crossing indicates the line of sight for the Road Patrol. Cars parked on the driveways and yellow lines leading up to the school crossing prevent the road patrol from seeing oncoming vehicles. 

The staff car park is reserved for staff cars and parents and caregivers who have mobility issues. Entering and exiting this driveway when the children leave school creates a major hazard for children walking west along the footpath. we would appreciate it if parents and caregivers would not use the staff car park unless the driver has a mobility issue. 

By being considerate and working together we can ensure that our children are safe outside the school.