Caitlin O'Sullivan — Jun 21, 2022

E te Atua, God of the cycles and patterns of the universe and all living things whose ways we only begin to comprehend, open our hearts to the wonder of the natural world, to your incarnation throughout creation, and to your presence with and in us now. All - Amen

Faith Facts

Our schools are linked to the parish(es). Archbishop Paul Martin says, “...the parish does not exist outside of me. If I never make any time available to help, to participate, to be trained, or be part of a group, then nothing will ever happen…we do lead full lives, but the life of our parish won't be vibrant if none of us contributes, and our brothers and sisters wont grow in holiness and faith, and therefore want to bring others to the Good News, if we only give one hour a week to Mass on Sunday.”

(Archbishop Paul Martin, Extract from Inform, Issue 131- Lent 2022)

Tuesday 22 June is the Feast Day of St Paulinus of Nola.

It is not common to receive the faith from two “giants” - but that’s exactly what happened with St. Paulinus, whose conversion is credited to the influence of Sts. Ambrose and Augustine. Known for his charitable works, Paulinus was elected Bishop of the Italian city of Nola. He died in the year 431.