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School Accounts - International Students - 2024

St Joseph's School —

Details of costs to be paid to the school in addition to the tuition fees.

Costs to be paid directly to the School

  • Enrichment Activities ($40 per student) - Throughout the year, families have the option for their children to participate in extension activities. These optional activities are not part of the core learning programme and may include trips away from school, performances and mobile classroom visits. All teams budget $10 per child, per term to run these activities. Children not attending the extension activities will continue with their core learning at school.  
  • School Religious Education ($40 per student) This fee pays for the bus transportation from St Joseph's School to St Gregory's church and return, four times a year to attend mass. Attending mass together as a school community is an important part of being at a Catholic school. 
  • Winter Sport ($70 per student) - During Term 2-3, the Year 5-8 students have the option to participate in weekly winter sports at Hagley Park. This is a regional-wide event where children have a choice of playing rugby, football, hockey, or netball. Children who do not opt for Winter Sports will remain at school and will participate in the regular physical Education programme. 
  • Technology Education ($80 per student) - Each Monday, the Year 7-8 students travel by bus to the Breens Intermediate. During this time, they participate in various technology learning opportunities, including textiles, food technology, design, woodwork, science, and visual arts. The Technology Fee pays for the take-home materials the students use. Children will not be permitted to take home their projects if this fee is not paid. 
  • Swimming - ($30 per student) At the start of the year, all Year 1-6 students at St Joseph's School Papanui participate in ten swimming lessons. The session's swimming lessons cost $50 per child. The Board of Trustees has subsidised the costs of lessons to ensure that all children have access to developing this important life skill.
  •  Camp ($220 - $300 per student) - Each year, the Year 5-8 students are provided with the opportunity to attend school camp. This is an optional activity in addition to the other EOTC activities and is designed to provide children with various experiences that develop their team skills and self-confidence. The Camp Fee covers transport, accommodation, and meals. Prices are approximations only and may vary. 
  • Matific ($10 per student from Year 1 to Year 8 - This is an online maths programme.

Paying your school account - There are several ways families can pay their school account.

  • The account can be paid in full as a lump sum. Payment must be received by the 1st of March of the year it is invoiced.
  • The account can be paid in part over time. Families must notify the office if they wish to take up this payment option by the 1st of March each year. A minimum payment of $10 is required at any time. The account must be paid in full by the 1st of October of the year it is invoiced.
  • Payment may be made by cash or EFTPOS at the school office. 
  • Payments may also be made using online banking to the school’s bank account 12-3149-0382936-00. Please ensure that you clearly identify your family name in the payment information. It also helps us if you identify what items on the account you are paying by entering this information.

Communication and Support - If parents or caregivers have concerns about paying the school account, it is important that they do not hesitate to discuss their concerns with the school principal. The school has support mechanisms in place to support families who are unable to meet this financial commitment.