Hero photograph
Photo by Aaron Richards

Celebrating Success at St Joseph's School

Aaron Richards —

The most effective way to engage and motivate children at school is by acknowledging positive behaviour and celebrating success.

Re-enforcing positive behaviour - Later this term the school will be piloting a tokens system where children are awarded tokens for exhibiting the school's virtues. The token will be awarded by the teachers during class time as well as in the playground. 

At the end of the day, a classroom teacher will record the number of tokens that have been awarded to each child. the children will receive a certificate at liturgy once they have accumulated a certain number of tokens. 

The children will then place the tokens in the collection box for their colour house. At the end of the term, the house with the most tokens will be provided with a fun afternoon of games. 

Personal achievement - We love to celebrate the talents and success of our children in and out of school. As a result, we share news of student accomplishments in our school newsletter. If you are aware of a student who has had recent success, please let the office know, so we can celebrate this success with them.