Hero photograph
staff Change
Photo by Aaron Richards

Staff Movement

Aaron Richards —

St Joseph's School is a large school with up to forty staff. As a result, staff movement is common as it is in many schools. We have a number of teachers on fixed-term contracts that will finish at the end of the year, we have staff members retiring, staff members on discretionary leave, and some staff looking at expanding their educational experience by working in different schools. We are now at that point in the year when these changes are happening.

Mrs. Anderson has been our school receptionist for the last eight years. Mrs. Anderson has made the decision to retire at the end of the year. 

Ms. Jackman was appointed in a fixed-term position at the start of the year. She has been working with Ms. Johns in Hanrahan this year. Ms. Jackman has decided not to return to St Joseph's School next year. She will be moving to Hamilton to be closer to her family. 

Mr. Gaut who was employed in a fixed-term position at the start of the year has been reappointed to replace Ms. Jackman in the Totora Team. 

Mrs. Stewart was appointed in a fixed-term position at the start of the year and later permanently appointed as a teacher and Kahui Ako Across School Teacher. Mrs. Stewart has decided not to return to St Joseph's School next year. As a result, Miss Dutton, who is currently working in Timoney, has been reappointed in a fixed-term position to replace Mrs. Stewart in the Matai Team next year. 

We are in the process of making two further appointments. When these appointments have been made, we will be able to inform the community of the makeup of the learning teams next year. 

We will recognize the time and contribution these teachers have given the school in a newsletter closer to the end of the year.