Principal's Message
Dear parents
The year is certainly speeding by with Term 4 here already. There have many activities and events so this term, that we trust will run without interruptions!
It was a joy to see our large group of first Communion students receive their First Communion on Sunday with big smiles and joy for all. We thanks Mary Lynn, Trish and Cathy from the parish for their assistance with this programme and our parents for taking their role of first teachers of their children so well. Special thanks to Jess Hanifin for the outstanding job she did with the First Communion cake. Fr Jolly was delighted to be able to be back in our parish for this important day. It was wonderful to see team Hanifin, Curtis and Bella do such an amazing job of the readings.
This week you will have received your child’s class newsletters via the class Facebook pages. We trust that these give you all the information and upcoming dates for the many events on this term's calendar. Rm 1 and 2 students will also have received all their camp information in paper form so we ask these forms are returned as soon as possible for final camp plans to be made.
Some of the postponed South Canterbury sports events have been rescheduled for this term so we are doing our best to ensure our students get their opportunity to be part of these. The SC Cross Country was held yesterday with SC Mountain biking and swimming coming up this term.
We are also grateful to staff and parents for having two basketball teams in this terms competition - Yr 3-4 coached by Miss King and Yr 5-6 coached by Mr Kelliher. We also thank parents for transporting students each week, so all students have a chance to be part of these competitions.
FOSJ have organised a raffle for Term 4 which includes the firewood cut for the tree removed for our grounds. All classes are asked to contribute an item for the gift baskets from each class. Further details in this newsletter.
We have had a lot of new enrolments in the last week, so we ask that anyone who is wanting to enrol a younger sibling please arrange this soon with Janette as spaces are becoming very limited.
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