Hero photograph

From the Principal

Diana Patchett —

‘Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.’ (Desmond Tutu)

We shine a light on generosity this week, and we can be proud that this virtue is engrained in the fabric of St Margaret’s community. Our boarding girls rose quickly to the opportunity to support the Southland rural community spending time baking on the weekend and co-ordinating a successful food drive. We received positive feedback from the Rural Support Trust, commending the girls for their quick (and caring) action.

On other fronts, our Environment and Service Committees have joined forces with a Sumner Beach Clean-up at the end of the month, our Sports Committee is exploring a connection with the Maia Health Foundation, and last weekend’s native seed collection will help stock our Eco-Action Nursery for future regeneration projects.

These acts of generosity abound at St Margaret’s and are a lovely byproduct of our special character, one led by faith, hope and love.

As we look towards the beginning of Lent and its custom of sacrifice, perhaps it is a call for us all to initiate our awareness of those who need the most attention and redefine the word ‘sacrifice’. For when we give to others, be it our time, our companionship, our resources, or our care, what we gain is even more powerful than what we are giving away.