Hero photograph

Scintillating Spheros


If you were to walk through the bottom floor of WS during a Year 8 Maths lesson, you would be forgiven for thinking that you have teleported into the future!

Students are currently working through a Geometry unit learning to measure angles, identify compass points and use three-digit bearings.


To demonstrate these skills, they have been using a colourful, programmable robot called a Sphero. The Spheros create an environment of collaboration and critical thinking, where creativity can flourish! The task is to design and programme an Obstacle Course for their Sphero to complete; dodging obstacles, changing colours and even getting their Sphero to talk!

This technology was completely new for both students and teachers, so we have definitely been learning alongside each other, demonstrating a clear ako (a teaching and learning relationship, where the educator is also learning from the student) relationship. As teachers, we can’t be experts in everything, but we can be expert learners and demonstrate a lifelong love of learning. The number one skill students will need in this ever-changing world is the ability to adapt and teach themselves new skills to find solutions to problems they face. These Spheros have created the perfect opportunity for these important skills to be learnt. If we feel like we have to be an expert to start using technology, we are never going to use it - so we are definitely pleased we took the leap of faith into the unknown!

We can’t wait to show you the finished programmed obstacle courses that these students create for their Spheros!

Thank you to Ms Chong and the Centre for Innovation for their support of this unit.

Year 8 Maths Teachers - Mr Schreurs, Mrs Robinson and Miss Lloyd