Hero photograph
Photo by SMC

Sports Survey Summary


Thank you to everyone who took part in our recent Winter Sports Survey, it was great to see so many parents and students providing their feedback.

We received responses from Years 7 to 13 with 13 sports represented which equated to hundreds of constructive comments.

What we have learned from this is winter sport at SMC is in good shape with high participation rates and some exceptional examples of sportsmanship, leadership and teamwork.

However, while it’s reassuring to hear about the things we are doing well, we get the most value from feedback that highlights areas you feel need attention. Each of the individual comments provided has been read and taken on board with the following key points actioned:

  • Systems are already being developed to ensure representation and recognition for all sports at all levels

  • We are looking at the support provided to coaches to further raise the level of coaching and improve communication

  • We are clarifying the honours, pockets and colours awards processes

Thank you again for taking the time for providing your feedback, it is highly valued and appreciated. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with SMC Director of Sport, Helen Belcher (helen.belcher@stmargarets.school.nz) if you have any questions.