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SMC Wellbeing Theme - Generosity


Generosity is the act of being kind, selfless, and giving to others and it's been scientifically proven that it's better for our emotional and physical health to give than it is to receive.

Despite being an act that is done to benefit others' wellbeing, generosity also increases our mental health and wellbeing. 

When it comes to improving our happiness and wellbeing, generosity is a good choice because it has a ripple effect, helping us feel happier. If someone else sees us do something kind or generous, it actually makes them more likely to be generous too. 

Humans are naturally wired to be generous, it sometimes just takes a bit of practice to follow our natural instinct rather than overthink things and come up with reasons why we shouldn't give.

Giving takes all forms - it can be a hug, buying a slice for a friend in Maggie's Cafe, sending a kind note to a friend who has helped with homework. Whatever the act of generosity, it has a significant positive impact on others. So, here's to generosity at SMC, it just feels better!