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Learning Out and About

Jennie Nairn - Deputy Principal —

Project X is a new approach to learning at SMC for some of our Level 1 NCEA students.

Ten days ago when learning was in our familiar structure, I visited the Project X class facilitated by Linda Chong. They were learning in a way that had more commonality with the current, remote, independent structure of learning. This group of Year 11 students studying Level 1 were experiencing facilitated learning and were totally self-driven while being supported with a framework to allow them to lead their own learning.

The class initially looked at Covey’s Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teenagers, Brown’s Courage v Vulnerability Model and Journalling as an effective reflective tool. Utilising the skills learned, they became individually focused while strengthening interdependence through collaboration, communication and feedback, all essential skills for the future. Now we are in our ‘family bubbles’, these are also important to enable their further learning and they will be sourcing this contact remotely.

When I asked the girls what was different about this class, they unanimously identified their responsibility for managing learning and problem-solving. They knew they had support but were looking very much to their own resourcefulness and individual mentor support, which they had to source, as the major difference.

Each student is developing their own project and it will be assessed at Level 1. Their projects connect across a range of curriculum areas. Here are three examples of the ‘big’ questions the individuals have designed and will be working to answer this year -

  • Can we genetically modify mosquitos to carry vaccines in third world countries as an effective way to keep people safe? This links to biology and social studies curriculum areas.

  • Can we develop paper packaging to dissolve in water to reduce waste? This will be linked to science, technology and economics curriculum areas.

  • How can I help women in poverty cope with periods? This will be linked to health education, social science, technology curriculum areas.

I look forward to revisiting this class during the year to see the progress on these projects and the other incredibly interesting investigations. This is a new, exciting and different learning space for these Level 1 students.

Jennie Nairn
Deputy Principal Teaching and Learning