SMC — Feb 27, 2019

We truly value parents’ support and the partnership we have with you to help the girls achieve the best they can. This isn’t limited to their academic endeavours and it’s timely at the start of the school year for us both to remind them of the expectations SMC has of them:

Unfortunately, we have had several negative comments about the untidy appearance of some of our students when in public.

Blazers must be worn to and from school and anytime when wearing uniform in public, (except when in track suits and sports uniforms).

We expect any girl in uniform will wear it appropriately and with pride.

Hair is to be natural-coloured and tied back at all times if longer than collar length.

The following are not acceptable during school hours or when in uniform: make-up, obvious eyelash extensions, nail polish, multiple ear rings, visible body piercings, visible tattoos.

Respect for others
We have had a very positive start to the term with classes running smoothly. If any girl interrupts the learning of others, we will work with her to help her understand the impact she has on others so her behaviour can be modified. If there continues to be a concern, her parents will be contacted.

Named items
Please ensure all items belonging to your daughter are named and if items are missing, to ask her to check Lost Property where many items continue to remain unclaimed.