Julie Calder - Head of Junior School — Jun 4, 2020

"One of the pre-requisites for children becoming proactive and responsible citizens is the availability of enough role models inside and outside school" - Azim Premji

Being a responsible citizen requires all of us to be clear about our own values and ensure we live these through our words and actions. In order to be a part of a community, responsibility for our deeds as adults is the essence of developing our next generation. Role modelling to our tamariki regardless of their age or the relationship we have with them (parent, teacher, coach, mentor, friend, family member) is an essential element in their life education. We as adults must never underestimate the power of our actions, our words, our relationships with each other, intentionally or unintentionally.

While we are in an era where we do not know where future technology will lead our children, what careers will be available, what economic climate will behold us, what we do know is the core values that are inherent in developing responsible citizens are needed more than ever: respect for each other, respect for our community, respect for our environment. If we role-model these, then we are arming our tamariki strongly, ensuring they are ready to tackle the challenges of future with care, compassion and understanding.