Hero photograph

SMC Parents and Friends Association


The SMC PFA is a friendly bunch of people who provide support to the school by organising social functions and events throughout the year and providing volunteers to help with school activities.

Unlike the traditional PTA model, our supporters are not called upon to fundraise but more to 'friend raise' by fostering relationships between the different facets of the school - parents, teachers, Old Girls and friends. 

Through the payment of your annual PFA subscription, you are automatically a member of the PFA and we warmly invite you to get involved.

It was great to see new faces at our meeting this week where Diana gave a great insight into what is planned at the school for 2021 as well some good news stories from the last few months.
In upcoming meetings, we look forward to meeting the new Head of Senior School, Sian Evans and finding out about her plans for our Seniors and also updates from Head of Middle School, Kathryn Gray and Junior School, Julie Calder.
A great way to get the inside run on all the info!! 

Meetings are held in the staff room, at the next meeting which is the AGM we will be calling for a new President so please do come along if this sounds like you - no previous experience required.

9 March - AGM
11 May
29 June
10 August
14 September
19 October
23 November - Xmas drinks

We look forward to seeing you there.