Hero photograph

From the Principal

Diana Patchett —

Leadership, the art of motivating a group of people to act toward achieving a common goal. It seems serendipitous that Leadership was the wellbeing theme for this last fortnight of the term as it has certainly been in evidence all around us, but not just in the most obvious places.

We have all been leaders of late and will continue to be called upon to lead in the coming weeks.

The last newsletter offered three models of leadership for us to consider - Followership, Service and Servant. While we may have a natural disposition to one, all three can contribute to achieving a common goal and the different styles suit different situations. Accepting our responsibilities as a resident of Aotearoa New Zealand means showing leadership through self-awareness and active involvement to achieve the goal of COVID-19 eradication.

At SMC, realising a successful week of remote teaching and learning also called on all our leadership skills, with students, parents and teachers all being versatile, competent and empathetic.

Closer to home, I imagine maintaining balance and harmony in your own Bubble has required not only Leadership but a good dose of all the wellbeing themes explored this term - Bravery, Curiosity, Generosity and Kindness. On that, I wish you well.

Given the circumstances we all find ourselves in this term break, we are intending to walk alongside you and our girls and offering a few ways to stay connected to SMC. Our Prefects have a programme of engaging activities to roll out over the coming weeks to engage the girls of all ages and keep their spirits up. Evergreen will come to you as an online magazine during the break, along with our new wellbeing publication, plus we will publish a mid-break newsletter and keep up an active social media presence.

Until then, kai kaha, kia tūpato, kia makoha.
Be strong, be careful, be kind.