Grant Belcher Deputy Head of Senior School - Academic. — May 12, 2021

A goal should scare you a little and excite you a lot ( Jo Vitale ) One of my goals is to become very goal orientated. On the basis that even a blind squirrel occasionally finds a nut, I think flooding my life with goals should enable me to overcome actualisation rates that were absurdly low when I only had one or two.

With more goals, there's more chance that a serendipitous moment that would otherwise have no significance will initiate a chain of events that result in a whiff of success.

Inspired by the longevity of the 100+-year-old veterans who flew for Bomber Command during World War II I've decided to focus on being around in 2050 to see if the dire predictions associated with global climate change are realised. I've taken a tentative step towards this end by centring my energy on continuing to breathe. Beyond that, there is still some work to be done on a large number of associated, but second-tier goals. These have a lot to do with ensuring there are suitable organ donors when required. I do have a backup plan. A few people I know who are younger than I am have said they'll let me know how it all turns out if I don't actually make it there in person. (This does require some further thinking)
Another of my goals is to ride the West Coast's Old Ghost Road without becoming one (a ghost, not a road). This syncs nicely with the longevity goal because both require breathing and I'll need something to do in the thirty-year wait. To enhance my breathing I've taken to cycling up the Rapaki Track. Pedestrians walk up that track faster than I ride so I'm being constantly humiliated by people sauntering by as if they were walking from the lounge to the kitchen to get a beer. The compensation for this is the ride back down, which I have called the 'giant drop'. A further complication to realising this goal is that an accident of geography has resulted in several steep ascents along the Ghost Road which give it a Grade 4 Advanced status. I'm relying on this rating just being some unhelpful over-thinking on the part of some guy in Wellington who never gets out of his office chair except to go to the lift. Should this not turn out to be the case I will apply the mantra - "There are no obstacles, just opportunities" and get off the bike to practice crawling in preparation for the return of my second childhood, an apparently inevitable fate as the circle of life completes itself.
“Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.“ Wayne W. Dyer