Charity Events


All of our Junior School girls and their families are invited to participate in these end of year charity causes.

Year 7 & 8 Market Day
On Monday 22 November, the Year 7 & 8’s will be running their annual Market Day. Girls are able to purchase food, treats and small crafts as well as play fair type games.
If you would like your daughter to purchase, please bring a named small bag to hold money in. A small amount of money (coins and $5 notes are ideal). Usually, we ensure the younger girls eat some lunch before they attend the Market Day, however usually a lighter lunch is needed.

Year 6 SVA (Student Volunteer Army) Arts Fair and Mufti Day
Friday 27th November, 12.30pm - 2.00pm
Courtyard, School Entrance, Winchester Street
The Year 6 class are welcoming you to their SVA Arts Fair and Mufti Day. This fair is the culmination of a two-term Inquiry unit begun in Term 3 by Rachael Elliott, our student-teacher. Parents and caregivers are welcome to attend.
The fair will showcase the talent of the Year 6 class, as they will be busking as well as selling food. Your daughter will require for the day;

A gold coin donation to wear mufti.
A gold coin donation for their favourite busking group.
Gold coins to buy food.

All proceeds will be donated to the Christchurch SPCA.

Anglican City Mission Christmas Appeal
Our Christmas tree is starting to look attractive as many Junior School families have generously donated a gift or item to the tree. Please consider donating and continuing to deliver for our Anglican City Mission Appeal.