SMC — Aug 4, 2021

Dame Valerie Adams took 10 years before she won her first gold medal. Sometimes we expect we are just going to get that A or win that race the first time. Whether you win or lose, come first or last, it is about the journey that takes you there and the village that helps support you behind the scenes.

As Dame Valerie said, her beautiful children would love her exactly the same regardless if she had won a medal or not. But to take a bronze home makes it all so much better and as a family, they have achieved what they set out to do. To our family of athletes here at SMC, whether you are in a senior A team, a Canterbury rep player, or have represented NZ….. or if you enjoy a game of golf, croquet, netball or rugby at a social level, never lose sight of your goals and what leads you to be the best you can be. As a country, we are so proud of all of our NZ Olympians and as a school, we are proud to share your stories with our wider community. As always please email us

The holidays were a busy time for many of our athletes with games being held all over the country. Evie Leeson Y10 played basketball in Auckland for the U15 North Canterbury Team. She writes;
“In my holidays, I went to the U15 basketball nationals playing for the North Canterbury team. We had a very good first few games winning them all against Harbour B, Canterbury, and Tauranga B, only losing to Rotorua. That took us into the quarter-final, the only bad thing was that we were playing Waitakio (the top team), sadly we lost to them sending us to play off for 5th - 8th. We played Taranaki and won that so we were playing off for 5th and 6th but the only problem was that we were playing Rotorua again, we still ended up losing to them so that left us in 6th place, but all round it was a very fun tournament filled with lots of learning opportunities.” Evie Leeson

Senior A
Our senior A team had a fabulous win on Monday night against Middleton Grange. The team played their hearts out with only three subs. Congratulations to you all.

If this is something that interests you, have a look at the flyer attached below.

Mika Neil has had a very successful weekend. She writes; “ I competed in the Mid-South secondary schools competition and placed 3rd equal in the individual epee and 3rd equal in the teams' epee after almost 12 hours of fencing (8am start 7:30pm finish).
I am now concentrating on getting ready for the National secondary schools' competition next month on the 28th-30th of August at Pioneer Stadium, and the NZ U20's from the 10th to the 12th of September in Auckland. I am excited to say I have just found out that I am currently ranked #4 in NZ for U17 epee and #5 for U20 epee.” Congratulations Mika, we wish you all the best and look forward to following your progress.

You may notice from some of our photos that we have a few athletes wearing the red and black for Canterbury. Nationals were held during the holidays for a few sports and it is awesome to report on how they got on in their respective levels.

Cherry Zhu Y7; “The 2021 National Gymnastics Championships was held in Auckland on 21-24 July. Three Christchurch local Gymnastic Clubs formed a joint team representing Canterbury to compete in this big national sports event. In the level 6 individual routines competitions, Cherry Zhu Y7 won 1st place in Ball and 2nd in Ribbon, hence Cherry won the 1st Overall. That is the first for Canterbury Rhythmic Gymnastic in this event. Cherry also, along with 5 other girls, won 2nd place in the Grade 6 group competition. In total, In the 2021 National Gymnastic Championships, Cherry received 2 gold medals and 2 silver medals as well as a trophy for her individual overall. We are very glad that Cherry can leave her name on this trophy.“

Lexie Boon Y7 “Lexie and her Grade 4 group are the new national champions for Grade Four. They were amazing in the big and strong field.”

Lilly Eastmure Y7
Lily also competed at Nationals with her grade 3 group coming first. Lily achieved 3rd in the hoop, 7th in freehand, 8th in rope. 

Mya Hutchings Y10
“Mya did really well at Nationals and ended up 5th overall in her grade. She got into the finals in all four apparatus with two 4th places in Clubs and Ribbon, 6th in Hoop and 8th in Ball. Mya was also awarded a proficiency pin for passing a certain overall score.”  

1st and 2nd XI Hockey games vs St Cuthbert's College (Auckland)
“Over the term two holidays, the SMC 1st and 2nd XI’s had a great opportunity to play visiting Auckland teams from St Cuthbert's College. Both games were filled with great hockey, including an opportunity for a select few students to have the chance of playing up from the Red and White teams, proving a great experience for personal player development. Among these players was Lily Ballin who stated “It was a really fun game, and it was so cool to get to play with my sister (Neve Ballin)”. The students loved having the ability to contribute their skills, impacting the game in such a positive way and provide a very exciting future for SMC hockey. Both teams were able to come away with a win: SMC 2nd XI won 5-2, and SMC 1st won 3-2. The 1st XI team had a continuously developing game with 6 of our members unavailable due to holidays, so it was great to see new girls step up. The games also provided some great practice in the leadup to Federation Cup as well as the Chris Arthur Cup for the 2nd XI. Following the games, Rangi Ruru hosted dinner for SMC and St Cuthberts, providing a wonderful opportunity for getting to know girls in the other teams and ending a great day of Hockey.” Mila Ballin (Middle School Captain of Hockey)
For the first time in a few years both the U18 A and B Canterbury teams were playing at a tournament in the same place in the Vantage National U18 women's tournament, up in Wellington

Niamh McKenzie
Issy Story
Mezzy Surridge
Coach- old girl Biddy Tothill

Anneliese Millard
Chelsea Parrett
Piper Smith
Molly Williams
Poppy Williams

“This year I was selected into the U18 Canterbury hockey team, as well as 4 other SMC students, with my older sister being one. Being on this team meant many opportunities to learn new skills and friends and the week of the tournament was full of highs and lows. First, we were staying 40 minutes out of Wellington, and the hockey turf was out at Petone. This meant getting up an hour earlier to make our games. We played Otago first and only drew as we were evenly matched. Then came North Harbour A’s (who won the tournament) and lost 4-2, the score did not reflect the game. Then it was make or break time against Wairarapa and we won 1-0 on the buzzer. Sadly we didn’t make the top eight but that only made us work harder. We versed Counties in the semis taking away the win and playing off for 9 and 10th against Tasman. This team had already beaten us so we were determined. We played really amazing hockey and won 5-0. We were all ready to go home, then the weather packed a tanty and there wasn’t a flight able to take us home until Monday morning, an extra 3 days. It was a great tournament but we were all tired and ready for home. I am sure we all went away with different memories and attitudes towards our sport”. Poppy Williams

We have reached the business end of the season with all of our U12 through to Senior A teams competing in the Championship Round of their respective grades. Our Future Fern teams have also moved into the last round of their competitions. At the end of Term 2 we hosted Stratford High School at SMC. They were on a South Island tour and SMC was their first stop. Our Senior B girls enjoyed the opportunity and experience to play a visiting school and came out convincing winners 42-13. A huge thank you to Caitlynne Hill for giving up her time to umpire the game. It was great to see the girls make some new connections off the court after the game. Congratulations to Caitlynne who has earned her stripey for netball umpiring.
During the July holidays, our SMC 10A and 9A teams participated in the Junior South Island tournament. It was a brilliant 3 days of netball with lots of sunshine albeit some super frosty mornings. Our girls were fabulous representatives of SMC on and off the court. A huge congratulations to our 9A girls and Ms Chambers for winning their grade and being crowned 2021 Year 9 Junior SISS Champions - a fantastic achievement.

Year 10A Netball Team
“We went into the first day pumped and ready to play our first game to start off our SISS Junior tournament 2021, but little did we know that we had one of the hardest pools in the tournament, filled with Waitaki, Wakatipu and Columba. At the end of the first day, we had a win against Waitaki and lost to the rest, which left us in the bottom 16. Although we were all a bit disappointed it didn’t stop us from still keeping our heads high and putting our best foot forward for the next couple of days. Next, we played Dunstan and Craighead for the top 8 of the bottom 16, we won against both of them which we were stoked about. That left us playing Verdon and James Hargest to get into our final, we beat them and then we came back to playing Waitaki again in our final (17/18th position). After a rough battle, we came out with a win making us 17th. Overall the tournament was amazing, we all improved a lot, got closer to one another and most importantly had lots of fun!
Nicole Lloyd - Coach 10A

Year 9A Netball Team
“Coming into the SISS tournament we were all so excited and overwhelmed with emotions. We didn't know how to feel as it was our first big competition as a team and we were still getting used to playing in our new SMC uniform with our new team. Once we all settled in, our team came together to talk about our goals and the journey ahead of us at this tournament. Our first day came flying around as we all piled into the Christ College vans and our excitement grew. After a brilliant first day and two wins, we became more confident in ourselves and in each other. And before we knew it, we ended up at the semi-finals against Christchurch Girls High School. Going into this big game we had complete trust and confidence in each other. We knew we just had to focus on our own job, make sure we played smart and were connected on and off the court. With a lot of hard work and determination, we came out on top and were ready to take on Rangiora High School in the final. Running onto the court for the final, we were full of pride, nerves and energy. Each and every single one of us was proud of the bib we worked hard for. After a long forty minutes of perseverance, grit and sore bodies, we knew we had accomplished something truly awesome. We were the top Year 9 Netball team in the South Island. Our team created a great bond and connection throughout this tournament which no one could break, and this would not have been possible without Ms Chay, Ms Hardy and Tayla Hardy. We are all so thankful for the effort and dedication that they put into the team. Aside from all our hard work and the amazing support and guidance that we were given, we are thankful for Piper’s crystal, Aine's special seat and the Christ College van which helped us on our journey to take the big win.” Molly Ginnever and Sarah Farrell - Co-Captains Year 9A Netball 2021

“The Senior C netball team have come together strong this season. We have some familiar combinations down the attacking end, making for some slick passages of play. Emily and Harriet are doing awesome in the shooting circle, their connection for shooter to shooter ball is lovely to watch. Our two captains Alice (C) and Lydia (WA), have been great this season. They lead from the front, both on and off the court. They have great control and vision into our shooters. Chloe has been reliable for us at GD. Her elevation and timing are great and she’s picked up multiple intercepts and tips this season. As a team, we are improving each week which is great to see from the side-line. We are still working on ball retention and converting critical turnover ball. We have had a lot of close games this season, often going either way in the last few minutes. On Saturdays, we have had 6 wins, 3 losses, and a draw. We have started the championship round well with a big score against Kia Toa. We are excited to push for a top of the table spot at the end of this round, going into the playoffs in the best position possible. Wednesday games have often started slowly, taking one quarter to warm up. We have won 5 games and lost 2, and again have had a few close games which have been great testing our composure. I am impressed with the girls' maturity on court and their sportsmanship. We have had some tough games but the girls always give 100% for the full 40 minutes.” Sophie Johns - Coach


“We have had mixed results to date. Unfortunately, weather, production and other commitments have limited us to be able to fully train as a team. Despite this, the girls are starting to gel as a team, and the results are improving. The girls always give 100% to their games and never give up. Our last game was a big turnaround. We played Merlins twice in the second round, the first game we lost by 2 goals, the second time around we won by 30-11 - well done girls. Goals for the next round are to keep improving and finish the season strong.” Rhonda Blair - Coach

SMC G - Y11

“Team Results - first of 2 wins was Wednesday netball against a team with 6 players then we had a second win thanks to our extended team on Saturday in the second round. First round had some very high scores against us 64 difference down to 18. Moving down a grade for the second round gave us much better results with 6 goals or less being the difference in all our games.
Team highlights:- These have been the girl's characters/personalities and the ability to keep trying when the going was tough. We have had some great moments of play and some proud moments of play too. Goals next round - commitment to practise building on the skills they have and having some great games. I'm very impressed with the way they conduct themselves on court and their attitude during the games.” Pauline Eder-coach

SMC I - 10B

“Saturday games - 4 losses and 6 wins. Team highlights: Winning against CGHS twice in a row, they came back fighting for the second game but we managed to win by 1 in the end, it was an intense but exciting game! Standout performances: Emma Ford - a great player who reads the ball well and is amazing on defence, she will go for every and any ball. Our goals for the remainder of the season is to continue to work as a team to focus on the simple things and to have successful games.” MacKenzie & Evie - Coaches


1st May Loss to STAC
8th May loss to Villia
15th May win against Hornby
22nd May win against Marian
29th May win against Villa
12th June loss to STAC
19th June win against Marian
26th June win against Hornby
3rd July win against CGHS
10th July lost against RRGS
“We had an outstanding game against Villa on the 29th of May. We had played the team already and lost to them but the second time around we got them and the girls were so proud and it was awesome to beat them. Another very outstanding game was on the 3rd of July against Girls High. They were top of the table and the game was intense. The score was going back and forth but our girls came out and beat them which made us top of the table and the girls were over the moon to be in this position. Three individuals I’d like to praise this round would have to be Lillie and Holly. Their shooting and teamwork within the circle are amazing; they just know exactly where each other are all the time and gel so well together. Margo’s non-stop determination on and off the court and her can-do attitude and school spirit is fantastic. Nearing the end of the round we had a few players being injured and away, so we were very lucky and had some great year 9 players come up and fill in for us. It was so lovely to meet new faces and they fit in so well with my year 10s. Hopefully next round all my girls are fit and healthy and ready to jump back into the game. We are going to be working on fitness in some areas of the court and working on getting the communication throughout the court going.” Grace Earle - Coach

SMC O - 9D

“If you had come and watched our first game of the season, you would not have recognised us playing Cashmere N on the 3rd of July and having our largest win thus far (32-9). They have come so far as a team in all aspects, from their skill and ability to their attitude and positivity which is so awesome to see. Our most recent game against Cashmere was undoubtedly a team highlight. This was the game where we worked the best as a cohesive unit. Everyone really put into practice what they have been working on at training both individually and as a group which made for some phenomenal netball and everyone having their best games to date. As aforementioned, what is also really awesome to see is everyone coming into every game with a positive attitude, encouraging each other. This means that our team dynamic is awesome and a pretty special environment to be a part of.
Standout performances go to: Maggie. As captain, her leadership is admirable. Her confidence on defence has also improved dramatically over the past few weeks which is awesome to see.
Ella - Ella has undoubtedly been the most improved player thus far. She can play anywhere on the court (even having a game in GS!) and does so effectively. Her defence has really gone from strength to strength, dominating the circle in GD. She makes a conscious effort to drive into space, clearing the court and it has been so cool to see her improve every single week.
Emma also deserves a special mention, her confidence in the circle has improved so much.
We also need to give a special shout out to our superstar year 8’s who step in and help us with numbers every week. They are amazing and talented and always step up to the challenge no matter where on the court we place them.
Our goal for the next round is to continue working on our spatial awareness so we can prevent the court from being cluttered. We are also going to work on some set plays.
It is awesome to see all of the girls developing so quickly.” Georgia Lund & Annie Larkin - Coaches

“Thank you to our teams, coaches, managers, umpires and supporters, it is a true team effort to have all of our teams out on court enjoying their netball!!

Reminder; the final game of the championship round is Saturday 14th August. Those teams that qualify for the semi-finals will play on Saturday 21st August. Finals weekend is Saturday 28th August. Good luck to all of our teams and we are looking forward to seeing you all at the courts for the final games of the season.”
Amanda Hardy
Netball Convenor

Sisters Katherine and Anna Babington have been enjoying finding their way around various courses in the world of orienteering. Their impressive list of results to date so far are:
SISS Long 1st - Intermediate Girls
SISS Sprint 1st - Intermediate Girls
NZSS Sprint 4th - Intermediate Girls
NZSS Long 3rd - Intermediate Girls
SISS Long 1st - Senior Girls
SISS Sprint 2nd - Senior Girls
NZSS Sprint 5th - Intermediate Girls
NZSS Long 2nd - Intermediate Girls
SISS Rogaine - 1st = - Intermediate Girls
NZSS Rogaine 1st - Intermediate Girls 2hr

For the Rogaine's Anna & Katherine are in a team.

Katherine writes; “Over the holidays Anna and I attended two orienteering events. The first was South Island Secondary Schools Orienteering Champs which was held in Blenheim. I ran up in senior girls and Anna ran in the intermediate girls' category. The first event was the long, held at Wither Hills Farm Park. This was a hilly farmland map which is generally easier navigation than a pine forest. Both Anna and I placed first in our categories which was a great result. The sprint was held in the Picton waterfront area. It was quite cold and icy so we had to be cautious not to slip. Anna came away with another first and I got second despite making quite a large mistake. The relay was held later that day at Queen Charlotte College. Generally, this is done in teams of three all from the same school but we were in a composite team as there were not enough members from our school. For the relay, each team member runs a short course. Unfortunately, we mispunched so did not end up placing however we did have a relatively fast time.
Our second event was the New Zealand Secondary Schools Orienteering Champs, held on the last weekend of the holidays in Hawkes Bay. The sprint event was held at Splash Planet in Hastings which was a really cool, technical map with lots of route choices. It was hard to get the balance between running fast enough and being able to read your map at an equal pace. Both Anna and I were competing in our age group, intermediate girls, and placed fourth and fifth respectively. The long event was held at Whanawhana Farm. It was a very fast-paced race with easy navigation so we had to constantly push to keep the pace up. I came away with second place and Anna with third place. The relay was held in the same location on Sunday and we were again in a composite team. We managed to win by a decent amount of time however unfortunately it didn't count as we were a composite team. We achieved third place in the girls' small schools category for the overall weekend performance. Overall Anna and I had pretty successful performances over the holidays.
We also competed in the New Zealand Secondary Schools Rogaine champs this weekend, held at Orton Bradley Park where Anna and I competed in a team together placing first in the intermediate girls two hour category. “ 

Roller Derby
It seems we have a new sport to include in this week's newsletter, roller derby. We have three SMC students who have taken up this exciting and fun sport and they challenge others to give it a go and join them. Georgia Dobson-Cox writes; “My mother saw a roller derby league on Facebook that was advertising lessons. I had skated for a bit as a child so I instantly fell back in love with skating and into love with a new sport. Currently, I am one of three SMC roller derby players, another two being Amelia Gordon and Holly Fairclough. I train at Wharenui sports stadium with Otautahi rollers. To put it simply, roller derby feels like having a brick thrown at you while playing chess. With over forty pages in the rule book, it's a huge sport. We play offence and defence at the same time with the three positions being blocker, pivot and jammer. I play pivot and jammer. A jammer being the main skater who has to get past the other team's defence in order to score points for their team and a pivot if someone who changed from a regular blocker to a jammer at the jammer's request. I also enjoy the perks of choosing my own name and number. My name is Red Light and my number is 66. Roller derby games or as we call them "bouts" are epic with merch, chances to meet the skaters and music. The games I have recently played include; Otautahi juniors vs Napier juniors. Timaru derby dames vs Christchurch (I am the first-ever 17 year old to play for the dames as they’re normally adult only.) Otautahi rollers vs Invitational. Richter City vs Timaru derby dames (Same achievement again for Richter City as they do not take in juniors) Otautahi rollers vs Nelson bay rollers. The achievements I have completed include the best South Island pivot and being the only junior in my league to also train with adults. My future goals include getting into team New Zealand and beating another league in the younger games. Recently I have started coaching a small class of juniors in Aranui, as well as being nominated to be the first seventeen year old to represent the Canterbury region.”
Otautahi rollers are constantly looking for new skaters so feel free to join us from 5:30pm on a Friday at Wharenui. We also have a roller disco at 4.00pm on September 4th to raise money for travelling juniors if any staff and juniors want to get involved.

Holly Fairclough writes; “My friend Georgia, also known in her sport as (Red Light) inspired me to get my start in Roller Derby. The coaches are lovely and help you towards your end goal. Derby is a complicated sport, it feels like playing chess with bricks thrown at you. There are so many rules and yet I come out wearing my bruises like badges of honour. It's not a sport for the faint-hearted. I've currently only played Napier but I'm looking forward to challenging other teams, passing my minimum skills and growing as a player. There are three roles in derby. My favourite position is a blocker as I like the satisfaction of controlling the game. Red Light (Georgia Dobson-Cox) enjoys being pivot as she likes the adrenaline rush it gives her switching from blocker to jammer, this role will wear a star on their helmet and gets a point for each skater they pass. I train under the Otautahi league rollers every Friday at Wharenui from 5:45pm till 7.00pm. The cool thing about this league is if you don't want to do derby they offer a range of learning to skate options! Even adults can get involved. We currently have three SMC rollers including myself (Shark) Georgia Dobson-Cox (Red Light) and Amelia Gordon but we are eventually hoping for more. We have a big roller disco on September 4th at 3:00pm taking place at Pioneer Stadium to raise money for travelling junior roller derby players. This is an awesome event that SMC students and staff can get involved with. We have skates to hire and yummy food to eat and we would even love to see some staff come along and have a wee boogie. So Derby is a really cool sport that anyone would love.”

Have you been glued to the Olympics? It is fantastic to watch so many NZ athletes and we are incredibly proud to say we have had two of our old girls Ella Greenslade and Olivia Loe compete in the women's rowing. Ella Greenslade is our first SMC Old Girl to win an Olympic medal. We are so extremely proud of Ella and also Olivia who is in the quad skulls. Congratulations Ella and Olivia, all of your little sisters are loving your success.

Renee Martin is another SMC student who was representing Canterbury at the Trampoline Nationals event in Auckland during the holidays. Congratulations Renee for earning your stripey recently. Renee writes; “Last week I competed in the New Zealand Gymnastics Championships. I had a very successful week as I got 1st in 17+ women Synchronised Trampoline with my synchro partner Ava Trelease. I also got 1st on Double Mini-Trampoline and 2nd on Individual Trampoline also in the 17+ grade. I am super happy with my results as this is a huge competition with around 16 people in each event in my grade and the results were very close.” Renee Martin

Annabelle Goodwin, Ella Ballantyne and Emily O'Connor played and coached volleyball over the holidays. They were on a tour with the New Zealand squad and travelled around the South Island. Emily writes; “Over the holidays I went on a tour with the junior women’s New Zealand squad. We went on a road trip around the South Island on a bus with approximately 35 other girls. We first travelled to Blenheim then Nelson and then back down to Christchurch. Each day was always different however our full days of volleyball looked a bit like this. First, we coached in the morning for three hours. We were coaching year 7-10 kids with any skill level. We then had a two-hour training and then later in the evening we would play exhibition matches against local club teams. This was such a valuable experience for me as it helped me grow my leadership skills, connections with other girls around the country and helped me improve my gameplay. This was such an awesome experience and I am grateful for everyone involved.”

Water Polo
We have some very talented water polo players who have been representing Canterbury over the last couple of weeks.
U16 A
Eve Barnsley
Charlotte Coughlan
Isla Gath
Scarlett Gordon
U16 B
Victoria de Costobadie
Miki Donaldson
Claudia Hundleby
Jemma Burrows
Emma McClure
Emma McClure
Georgia Reed

Our captain of Water Polo Emma McClure fills us in with what has been happening in the world of Water Polo, she writes; “At the end of last term and during the holidays, many SMC girls competed at national Water Polo competitions representing Canterbury. At the U21 national championships in Auckland, myself and Georgia Reed (Y13) were a part of the Canterbury team who placed 4th overall after a close game against Marist that resulted in a disappointing 10-9 loss. At the U16 division 1 national championship in Christchurch, Eve Barnsley (Y11), Charlotte Coughlan (Y10), Isla Gath (Y11) and Scarlett Gordon (Y11) who were coached by SMC coach Casie Bowry finished 7th after a convincing 12-8 win against Atlantis Aqua in their final game. Victoria de Costobadie (Y11), Miki Donaldson (Y11) and Claudia Hundleby (Y11) competed in the U16 division 2 national Water Polo championships at the start of the holidays, placing 11th overall demonstrating their strength in the pool as well as developing their leadership in the team. In the last week of the holidays, Jemma Burrows (Y12) and I competed in the U18 national Water Polo Championships and after an exclusion goal in the last 15 seconds of our semi-final, we won 6-5 against North Harbour Maroon and made it through to the final. This is the first time a Canterbury women's team has made it to a national final for any age group in over 10 years. In the final we played Atlantis Tridents and finished the first quarter 1-0 up, however, in the second half of the game the Tridents pulled away and we lost 8-2. This meant that we ended up placing 2nd which was an incredible achievement for the team and for Canterbury Water Polo.”

Winter Tournament ISSA Y5-8 Netball and Hockey
Last Friday 30th July the ISSA winter tournament was held for years 5 through to 8. It was a fabulous sunny day and there were lots of smiling faces around St Margaret’s. The various schools competed all over Christchurch and it was a pleasure to be able to see so many players come through our gates on the day. The parents that came to support had a blast and the coffee machine at Maggie's cafe got a hammering. A huge thank you to everyone who helped to make the day run smoothly, with everything from transport to coaching. Getting so many teams from A to B takes quite a lot of coordination. Thank you to our amazing coaches and students who were huge support on the day.

Hockey results

Year 7/8 Hockey Section A
1st Selwyn House Silver
2nd St Andrew’s Navy
3rd CGS Maroon
4th SMC Blue
Year 7/8 Hockey Section B
1st Selwyn House Red
2nd St Andrew’s Yellow
3rd St Marks
4th St Andrew’s White
5th Selwyn House Gold
6th St Margaret’s Green
7th= St Michaels, St Margaret’s White

Year 5&6 Hockey
1st Selwyn House
2nd CGS Maroon
3rd St Marks
4th= StAC Navy
4th= SMC Red
6th= StAC White
6th= SMC White
Thank you to Amanda Surridge and Sandra Chapman who coordinated our hockey teams. It was lovely to hear our girls were well behaved and supportive of each other.

Year 5 & 6 Hockey at the Independent Schools Sports Association Hockey Tournament
Two teams of Year 5 & 6 hockey players took on some strong opposition at the Independent Schools Sports Association Hockey Tournament here at St Margaret’s Turf. Both teams fought hard showing great determination, perseverance and teamwork during the 6 round competition. Our Year 6 team finished with 18 points, having won, lost and drawn a number of games. Year 5 competed against mostly year 6 players, working hard to draw two of their six games. The girls enjoyed the tournament and showed great spirit throughout the morning. The year 5 girls are so determined that they are already looking forward to competing next year.” Sandra Chapman

“Last week our SMC Year 5-8 teams participated in the annual Independent Zones tournament. It was a fabulous warm morning (yay) at the Hagley Courts and it was great to see all of our teams out on court enjoying their games. The teams gained some fantastic results. Congratulations to Miss O’Loughlin and our 8A team who won the Year 8 Grade in a tense final against St Andrews College 5-3. They will now represent our Independent Zone at the Canterbury Zones on Thursday 26th July. Good luck girls.
Congratulations also to our 8B team who won B Grade and our Y7/8 team who placed third. Our Y7 girls placed 3rd in their competition and our Y5/6 team finished strongly in 2nd place to qualify for the Canterbury Zones.
Thank you to our coaches, managers and umpires for their support of the girls during the tournament and a huge thank you to Sharon for her fabulous organisation of the tournament.” Amanda Hardy


Year 7/8 Netball

A Grade

1st: SMC
2nd: STAC A
3rd: Selwyn House
4th: CGS
B Grade - Y7
1st: STAC 7A
2nd: Selwyn House
3rd: SMC 7
4th: STAC Navy
5th: STAC White
B Grade - Y8
1st: SMC 8B
2nd: STAC 8B
3rd: SMC 7/8
4th: Selwyn House Gold
5th: STAC 8C
Year 5/6 Netball
1st: Selwyn House

2nd: SMC Red
3rd: STAC Navy
4th: St Marks
5th: STAC White
6th: CGS Maroon
7th: SMC White
8th: STAC Yellow
Paula Sheldon described the day as one of her favourites on the school calendar. Her team came second and she was extremely proud of them all. They write; “Pass, pass, goal! On the 30th of July, the SMC Year 5 and 6 netball teams played in the Independent Zone Tournament. It was a glorious morning. This fantastic team included Alex, Grace, Elisabeth, Alice, Maisie, Naye and Emma. Our first game was very energetic with a win of 10 - 2. We won games 2, 3 and 4 with great scores. Round 5 was a very close game. We tied 4 - 4. Round 6 was an enormous win with a score of 11 - 0. The last game against Selwyn House was intense because there was a lot of pressure. We played hard but lost by one. We were thrilled with second place because our team will now go to Canterbury’s to represent the Independent Schools!” Alex C, Grace M.