Hero photograph
Photo by SMC

From the Principal

Diana Patchett —

Is this age of smart technology and the internet of things eroding our capacity to persevere?

Are we sidestepping mental, physical and emotional trials with ‘easy outs’? It seems that Googling, outsourcing or tapping an App can provide instant solutions, removing the need for individual effort and the delayed gratification of personal resolutions.

The students and staff of Kōnini and Kōwhai challenged us to rise to the challenges of life in last Sunday’s combined House Chapel service. The girls presented relevant and engaging messages of encouragement, with special mention to our Senior girls as they enter an intense assessment phase of the school year, and winter sport cranks up a gear.

Recent accomplishments in the academic, sporting and cultural domains suggest that our St Margaret’s College girls have not lost the fine art of perseverance and continue to practice this important skill as they move through the College and into the world.

Sharing a light supper with both parents and students after the weekend's service was a lovely opportunity to get to know a few more members of the community. I look forward to meeting many more of you at the remaining two House Chapel services for Rimu/Rata and Manuka/Matipo over the coming Sundays.

Ngā mihi nui
