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From the Principal

Diana Patchett —

You may not realise it, but you’ve been teaching your children for years. And from what I’ve seen, you have been doing an amazing job.

Cast your mind back and you will soon have a long list of the deliberate teaching you have done as a parent; teaching her to talk, to walk, to put on her shoes, to clap hands and blow out candles. Then, as time went on, perhaps you taught them to ride a bike, ride a horse, drive a tractor, drive a car, or surf. But that is just the tip of a massive iceberg when you pause to appreciate all of the other things that you have unconsciously taught them too.

In easy times, and in challenging times, children are always looking to parents to discover how they should BE in the world. Parents teach them through:

  • The way you speak to people

  • The way you respond to the chaos of your life
  • The way you listen to others
  • The way you approach work
  • The way you spend your time
  • The way you experience failure and acknowledge success

While you may be feeling unqualified to support your girls in this next few weeks of remote teaching and learning, you are their first teacher, their lifelong teacher and the most important teacher your children will ever have. Sure, you may need to outsource assistance for solving quadratic equations or understanding photosynthesis, and that is where we are here to walk alongside you and your daughter.

While we may not all be together on campus, for the time being, Term 2 is still full of plenty of SMC life to look forward to. Our teachers have spent the term break preparing online resources for your girls to ensure teaching and learning continues in earnest. Chapels and assemblies will take place as planned and long tutor times will allow the girls to connect socially.

Of course, nothing beats face-to-face contact and we all wait impatiently for the time when the campus once again echos with the sounds of laughter and learning.

In the meantime, take care in your bubbles and we look forward to seeing the girls (virtually) next week.